ONLINE PAYMENTS - The newest way to pay easy, online and fast. When you see your invoice on your door you can simply login and make a payment right from your computer!
AUTO PAY - A great option if you want to save on envelopes, stamps and avoid late fees! Easy, fast and GREEN!
Payments will be charged to the credit or debit card on file within 1-3 days after treatment or you may select the day of the month that is best for you.
PHONE CALL - Prefer to talk to a person? We can take your payment over the phone for a $1 processing fee.
MAIL - Find an envelope and stamp and we will happily accept a check or money order for the amount due.
Please include one of the following / your payment slip /service address / or invoice # to ensure payment is posted to proper account.
Mail To:
The Greener Side Lawn Care
7207 Jacob Place
Tuttle, OK 73089
Our lawn technicians can also accept a check or money order in person if you are at home during the time of service.